Hahahahaha..... I just make my slef a Myspace music Profile...... But I dont put my own song though.... Ijust put my fav song there... (coz' I dont know how to put my own song in the computer....)

Yesterday.. when I was walking around a comic book store... I saw this comic ... the front cover is quite interesting.... since I have a lil' bit of money in my pocket.. I decided just to bought it.... at home...I open it and I was like .... WOooOOwwWWW!!! The artwork in this comic is DAMN GOOD!!! it has two separate story in it...... it also content some cool artworks from it author.....(Benjamin...).... After this... if I saw somemore Benjamin's comic in store.... I definately gonna pick it up........

A couple of days ago... when I visit KERAWANGdotCOM ...I read something about this new artblock project.... the project is held by CRADLEprojekt ...(I'm also new to this guys...)
They are inviting all artblogger to participate in this event... So... all you artblogger out there... you know what to do....Okey tht's all.... I'm off to play this new mmorpg I just got....(for more details.... click on the picture above...)
Muahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I've just sign up my blog at MalaysiaTopBlogs a couple of days ago....... ithowever... my blog have to have somebody to vote for it... so if you guys think that my blog is worth to vote for... than vote!!!! Since I'm on MalaysiaTopBlogs now... I was thinking... maybe I should renovate my blog somemore.... you know... change the layout and all... Okey you guys.... dont forget to vote for me okey.... hehehe....

A couple of days ago... I read an articles on Utusan Malaysia(Malaysia Post) about animation in Malaysia.... alot of interesting stuff about malaysian animation production....!! That's quite proving that Malaysian Animation still going strong... although I'm not into animation that much... but I'm sure glad that animation In Malaysia is strong as animation in other country... such as US & Japan.... In that article, they also said that there will be a brand new animation series that will be hitting RTM 1(Tv1) very soon.....