open outing with the photohunter/lomohunter crew. lots of fun. lots of knowledge gathered.

siting around waiting for the others
mini bday celebration for one of the lomohunter member
lomo spinner on display. one day sale only
some shots of the day
p/s: we did this on the birthday of Sarawak's TYT

I was pretty excited last week when I got the news that Saban Brands brought back the Power Rangers franchise from Disney (and now bringing it to the rival channel, Nickelodeon). It sucks when Disney decided to not continue Power Rangers series in the first place. Well glad it's in the right hand now. Reading the news, I'm once again dragged to the tokusatsu fever Come to think of it, I started to watch the Rangers less during their Disney era. Oh well, I'm now on the process of downloading the last Disney's Power Rangers; RPM.. just to get in track of the whole series again. I have the feeling that this 18th series is going to be awesome.. did I mention that their 20th year anniversary is on the way.. (team ups, crossover, specials..???)
disclaimer: Shinkenger ©2009 Toei Co. Ltd
Power Rangers: Team Samurai is a Bandai name for it's 2011 Super Sentai toyline,
The actual title for Power Rangers' 18th series is yet to be known.
done with final.. still hanging out at hostel..
psst.. Only me who's done with the final.. my roommates still have 2 more paper to go.. huhu.. goodluck guys...
psst.. Only me who's done with the final.. my roommates still have 2 more paper to go.. huhu.. goodluck guys...

Art and Design Video Awards. The annual awards ceremony to acknowledge the student's creativity and honour their works, as well as for students to practice all the things they are thought in class. Here's some brief of what's going on that night..
the event...
the performances...
some of the nominations...
behind the scenes...
the winners...
and of course, friends are everywhere...
sadly my camera runs out of battery towards the end of the show... so there's no shot of the final moments. For more pictures of the event, perhaps you guys can check out Sam's blog.